IGDC 2023

Thank you for taking the time to attend my talk at the India Game Developer Conference 2023. I hope the discussion gave you some insights into exploring audio as a key element to engaging and immersive experiences, for games and any interactive project you have in mind.

I understand that some parts of the presentation might have seemed like TMI in the limited time we had. It'd be great if you considered exploring the topics further, and to help you with that, here is the presentation:

Download PPTX

My aim with this talk has been to initiate a conversation, instead of merely concluding a topic. I'm eager to know what you'll create next with this knowledge in mind and I'm always available for a quick chat about the same. Use the Contact Me form anytime to continue the conversation or to give me feedback about what I can improve in the talk so it connects better with the developers and non-audio folks of gaming.

As promised, here are some goodies (available for a limited time) for all the attendees of the event.


Use these resources to explore game audio and connect with talents to collaborate.

Join me at ADCx India 24 & Music Hack Day India from 5th to 7th Jan 2024. More details here:

Tools & applications to support your game audio endeavour:

  1. Sound Effects, Voice Designer: Soundly (use the coupon for IGDC2023 for 3 months free access to Soundly Pro)
  2. Learn Synthesis (a key skill to be able to think Procedural Audio or use MetaSounds): Syntorial (use the coupon IGDC)
  3. Procedural Audio: GameSynth by Tsugi-Studio and their other tools (use the coupon igdc2023)
  4. AI generated music: Beatoven.ai (use the coupon code Bakebeats22 at stripe checkout)
  5. Crowd-sourced music: SoundCake
  6. Free version of Audiokinetic Wwise: Wwise for Indies

Learn game audio and connect with people:

  1. gameaudio.in – one of my initiatives to build, support and scale an ecosystem for games & interactive audio mindset in India.
  2. School of Video Game Audio – online school to help you learn every aspect of game audio covering Unreal Engine (including MetaSounds and Blueprints), Unity, Wwise, FMOD and Pure Data. The school is run by Leonard Paul and helps students be prepared with industry-level showreels.
  3. Airwiggles – a social media for the game audio folks.
  4. GameAudioLearning – a quick guide to explore every aspect of game audio with action items.